We need a simple police uniform for the production. This is what the kind of uniform that are character will be wearing, we only need the fresent jacket.
I have looked online for a police womens hat and I can get one for round out 2.00 which is good as we dont want to spend too much on props.
This opening gave me the most inspiration for my group as it
used such a simple conscept but it came across very impressive and profesional.
Its a romance clearly but it shows snap shots of these sceens of love and at the
moment and then it moves to the next one buy going up in fireworks which is a
very love representing thing. It also uses a tactic of using light to move out
but foucusing on the love of that couple that is expresed. This clearly shows
what its about and it states it in the title, its a very intresting one as its
got quite different photography in it which goes well with creating the theme
and what its trying to get across.
I looked at
This title sequence was extreamly impressive, its bassed on a
horror to do with the devil and the way the titles fitted was extreamly cleaver
to keep in with the holy theme. So it showed old paitings of the people from
hunderds of years ago then you saw the people of the paitnings. This very much
gives a cleaver feel to what it is about. Showing these religous pictures with
odd things happening in them which doesnt seem normal for these types of
pictures and then re creating them in to real life on the next frame, very much
gives a creepy feel. This is a very intresting on and intises me in to watch the
movie which the point of the opening title.
For home work I looked at art of the title I looked at then girl
with the dragon tattoo to give me some inspiration for my production. Its a
comblian pictures and a metro-Goldwyn wayer pictures. Its a very good opening as
it doesnt give too much away but yet it keeps to that thriller theme and
darkness and crime behind what the movie is about. At the begging it opens with
no title but the title is at the end this is quite common on some movies
openings. Its all black with this black paint which seems to flow from one to
the next which is clever to introduce each and next person which is what the
opening titles is about. It very much comes across as a modern day opening which
is what its trying to create with sophistication. It features we common things
in an action and adventure genre with the fire and women.